What's new in terms of Lone Worker Protection Systems ?

Find out about the  SYSNAV solution.

Locating and rescuing injured workers as fast as possible remains a major challenge for safety at work.


With industry 4.0 now a reality and widespread digitization of industrial processes, Lone Worker Protection Systems (LWPS) are lagging behind in terms of modernization.

Indeed few LWPS make use of IoT & 5G connectivity, with geolocation capability sticking to GPS at best and not being effective indoors.

Yet successful rescue operations depend strongly on the accuracy of the victim(s) localization.

Beyond worker safety, indoor/outdoor location tracking of work operators can contribute to productivity optimization in many ways: by shortening maintenance intervention times thanks to onsite guidance, by  locating any moving assets immediately, or by  enabling geo-referenced measurements .

SYSNAV provides an indoor/outdoor geolocation system that fulfills Lone Worker Protection requirements but also helps industrial sites increase operational performance.

The SYSNAV team.

PS: discover the video testimony of BUTACHIMIE below !

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